Résultats d'expositions
2nd class Open
CH. D'mister léon dit prosper de la vetta
1/7/2012 - WINDSOR Championship Dog Show
Juge : Mr M S King (GB)
Ch D’Mister Leon de la Vetta Dit Propsper. Nice shape, tended to turn front feet in, well bodied, would like firmer movement.
2nd class post graduate
Entity dit titi de Grandrieux
1/7/2012 - WINDSOR Championship Dog Show
Juge : Mr M S King (GB)
Entity De Grandrieux. Good shape and overall outline, keen and on his toes, long head of correct shape, straight front, good body.
CH. D'mister léon dit prosper de la vetta
11/3/2012 - Birmingham (UK) CRUFTS
Juge : Mr Philip Horspool (GB)
Very Highly Commended
Entity dit titi de Grandrieux
11/3/2012 - Birmingham (UK) CRUFTS
Juge : Mr Philip Horspool (GB)